Conversion Focused Web Design Elements

Conversion Focused Web Design 1

Today we have a guest post from our friends over in Australia, Redline Digital Media. If your looking for a Digital Marketing Agency In South Melbourne; we recommend you contact them.

Many businesses today think that a great looking website is enough to convert traffic, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, a great looking website is essential, however, it is ultimately the web design that helps convert web traffic into qualified leads and customers. In this article we’ll discuss common web design trends allowing many businesses achieve higher conversion rates online.

Full Width Images

Full width images spanning the whole way across your home page have revealed to convert more browsing prospects in actual buyers. Studies into this have revealed that a disruption of this sort is exactly what it takes at times for users to be captivated instead of immediately being hit with information they need to digest. Other elements that can be utilised instead of an image are cinemographs and video reels in the background. This doesn’t come as a surprise as humans are generally quite visual creatures.

Personalized UX (User Experience)

Quite an obvious one. The more personalized to an individual your content is the more likely they are to engage with it and therefore convert. Location, purchase history, browsing activity and other hard data provides key insight which can then be used to tailor the browsing process.

Simplified Navigation

The internet is confusing enough, so by giving potential customers too many options when browsing your website, you are creating friction and hindering your chances of getting them to convert. It is estimated that customers are 10x less likely to convert if given too many options. So by hiding any secondary content in a hidden menu, you essentially start prioritizing and guiding where you want these browsers to go in order to achieve a conversion.

Minimal Calls-To-Action

Again, the more simplified the better. In this case, if you require less information to be filled out on your contact form or email subscription, the more likely prospects are to actually fill and submit them. Couple this with some compelling content and you are significantly increasing your chances for conversion.

Monochrome Colour Scheme’s

We wouldn’t suggest applying this to your whole website, only on those specific lead capture pages. Using monochromatic colours on conversion pages allows your CTA button to be highlighted and therefore in a more prominent position on screen. Using harsher colours like red, fluoro green or yellow against a monochromatic web page makes it that little more enticing for browsers.

Video Content

Whether you’re a B2B or B2C business, video media will help you sell your brand and instil trust more than any other type of online content. And when they have your trust, you have their business. Video is a great medium as it allows you to really deliver your message and answer any pain points your customers may have in a more personalized manner. This could range from customer testimonials, explainer tutorials and thought leader interviews. The list goes on and is only limited by your imagination. The technology is certainly there to facilitate this.