Difference between Building a Website and Building a Good Website


We’ve recently blogged about how 47% of Canadian business’s still don’t have a website… That said, if you’re a small business, you’re probably either thinking about building one, or you still don’t see the reason for it.

If you are considering building a website for your business but don’t know where to begin, I hope this will help you.

The first thing you need to do is to consider the following when you plan to build a site:

  • What features you NEED?
  • Who are your customers?
  • How will your potential clients Find you?

Once you determine your needs, you should purchase your domain name (www.yourdomain.com) if you haven’t already. There are several companies that offer this; we use GoDaddy.com.

Next is finding the right company to build your website. There are several ways of building a website for free… Be aware, because like most things in life; you get what you pay for. There are also several companies that offer a monthly plan that range from $50-$100 and up, and includes changes and updates and free CMS (customer management system) some are great, but most aren’t worth it. Just remember that you’ll be paying monthly for this service for the rest of your businesses life.

That being said, this shouldn’t be confused with ‘Hosting’ charges. Once your website is completed, you must pay hosting to keep it online. Now depending on the size and the features of your website, you should be able to find a decent company we host for about $10-$20/mo. Again, there are companies that offer free hosting, but I can’t guarantee good service or email support.

I recently read that 75% of online visitors will immediately leave a website if they feel that it is dated… So if you have a website and either haven’t made changes since you launched it, or you can’t figure out why it isn’t being found online… It could mean that you are in need of a revamp.

The biggest difference between building a good website, and getting a ‘cheap’ site, is the performance of the website. As you may or may not know it takes time and a properly built site, to be found on a search result. This is why we build quality websites that perform. We take the time to include several SEO tips to not only create eye-appealing websites, but sites that perform and can be found.

If you’re looking for info on building a website, or would like us to sit with you to help you understand what you need, please feel free to contact us.